2018년 10월 1일 월요일

[US Corporation] (1) Incorporating, Opening a bank, and Doing business in the USA without physical presences in the USA with ‘Stripe Atlas’ - Global Startup - Continued

Incorporating, Opening a bank, and Doing business in the USA without physical presences in the USA with ‘Stripe Atlas’ - Global Startup (1) Continued

Stripe Atlas
Starting a company in the USA can be needlessly complicated—lengthy paperwork, bank visits, legal complexity, numerous fees, and non-obvious decisions about what services to use. Stripe Atlas makes this fast and easy: a tool to handle everything involved in establishing an internet business, opening the new business bank account within days without the physical presence, and keeping track of everything in one place. Stripe Atlas generates the legal documents and files the paperwork and incorporates your new company in Delaware, which is the most business-friendly state and opens Silicon Valley Bank(SVB) on your behalf.

Stripe Atlas is designed for founders of internet and technology businesses. Thousands of entrepreneurs from more than 130 countries already use Stripe Atlas. Stripe Atlas have found it to be particularly suited to:

*  U.S. startups
*  Startups outside of the U.S. building global companies
*  Startups outside of the U.S. raising money from professional investors
*  International companies expanding their operations to the U.S.

C Corporation VS LLCs
C Corporation
LLC (Limited Liability Company)
Nature of business
Stock company
Pass-through entity
Shareholder (Individual or Corporation)
Members (Individual or Corporation)
Residency requirement
No required. Permitted to resident or non-resident owner
No required. Permitted to resident or non-resident owner
Legal entity
Separate entity to limit the liability of owners and officers for the acts of the company and for debts which the company may have.
Separate entity to limit the liability of owners and officers for the acts of the company and for debts which the company may have.
Most major actions of a C corporation require some procedures, such as formal resolutions of the company or votes of the stockholders.
LLC Operating Agreements empower the owners and/or managers to simply act.
Tax Treatment
Double taxation: Company income is taxed at corporate income tax rate; shareholders also pay tax on dividends or profits distributed.
Single taxation: Each member of LLC must file income tax return (e.g., individual income tax return) on profit or loss which LLC passes through each member
※ A certain type of an investor may not be interested in (or may be legally barred from) investing in LLCs because of the income and loss pass-through nature.

※ You may converse LLC to C Corporation or vice versa.
Where to incorporate
Available in Only Delaware State (Available in either the US or Foreign address)

One time fee
Ongoing costs
$500 for all successful applications including:

* C-Corporation or LLC Incorporation
* Signed Certificate of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Board Consent or Operating agreement
* Tool to issue stock to founders
* First year of registered agent fees
* IRS Tax ID Employer Identification Number (EIN)
* Open a bank account in and debit card with Silicon Valley Bank
* Set up Stripe account and networking in an Atlas forum with other founders, other entrepreneurs, 200 investors, accelerators, and companies around world
* Free post-incorporation templates
* Access up to $5,000 in promotional credits from Amazon Web Services (AWS)
* $100 per year to renew Delaware registered agent (renewed automatically)

* $25 per month for your business bank account (the fee is waived if you maintain a minimum average balance of $25,000 per month)
 The Stripe Atlas LLC is designed to make conversion to a C Corporation as simple as possible at discounted and flat-rate packages fee.
 The required documents for incorporation may vary depending on the type of business you establish.

(1) Invitations
Stripe Atlas is available to join by an invitation only.
Existing Stipe Atlas founders
Direct application for a Stripe Atlas
Existing Stripe Atlas founders can invite other entrepreneurs to join in Stripe Atlas immediately
Anyone can still apply directly for an invitation request, for which Stripe Atlas will respond within two weeks.

(2) Application
Once you're invited to Stripe Atlas, you'll need to provide Stripe Atlas with the following information about your product, team, and how you'd like to set up your new company.
New company’s proposed name
A physical business address:
1) Is not necessarily in the U.S.
2) can be a business address or personal residence.
A contact phone number
The number of shares of stock to be authorized
If it is a subsidiary, the parent company’s name, type (e.g., corporation), tax ID number, and a copy of the company’s government-issued registration document
Business and products or services
Website showing the products or services, price, contact, terms of service, and more
If website in progress, screenshots, wireframes, detailed description
Founders, investors, and other relevant history

(yourself, anyone else that owns more than 25% of the company, and anyone else filling the primary company roles.)
Email address
Phone number
Legal name
Date of birth
Personal, physical address
Percent of company ownership
Government-issued identification document

(3) Incorporation
After you submit the application and Stripe Atlas creates your Stripe account, it’ll generate the legal documents to start your corporation as the following.
Legal documents
Certificate of Incorporation
Bylaws for your corporation
Board Approval of Organizational Resolutions
A Bank Deposit Agreement and Online Banking Enrollment with Silicon Valley Bank, for opening a bank account
IRS form SS-4, to request an EIN for tax-reporting purposes
Bank account
Open a USD-denominated business bank account for your new company at Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)
Once the bank account is opened, a temporary password is sent to log in online and you can find the login user ID in your Banking Enrollment Form in the Stripe Dashboard.
Stripe Atlas users are also eligible to receive a debit card linked to their SVB account. If you opt-in for debit cards when you complete the application, you will receive an email from SVB after you receive your EIN, with instructions on how to complete your debit card application.
Registering your corporation in Delaware generally takes a couple of business days. Once your company is incorporated, you’ll receive your Certificate of Incorporation via email. It notes that the original is in electronic format; no hard copies are created.
Stripe Atlas will email you with information about issuing stock to founders after your company is incorporated. New corporations can issue stock with standard terms using its free tool within 30 days of incorporation.
Corporate tax ID
When your incorporation is complete, your new company can be registered with the IRS to create a U.S. Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). Stripe Atlas will automatically send form SS-4 to the IRS to request an EIN for your new company. It usually takes up to 2 weeks to receive your EIN via email; 6-8 weeks to receive it via physical mail.

From San Francisco to Sri Lanka, thousands of entrepreneurs in 124 countries have used Stripe Atlas to get their businesses off the ground in the USA.
METAFUSED (https://www.metafused.com)
Led by Madhuban Kumar, Metafused’s mission is to make data meaningful. Their product applies artificial intelligence to let users know what customers and prospects are going to do next
During, Inc. (https://during.com/)
Zach Holman, one of the first engineers at GitHub, is building During, a calendar that helps you plan and collaborate on everything that needs doing.
IRIS (http://getiris.co/)
Iris is your modern day emergency alert for mobile, founded by Cat Noone in NYC. Iris provides hospital detection, a digital health card and rapid alerts to your loved ones in the critical moment when you need it most.
TRESS (http://www.tressapp.co/)
Started in Ghana, Tress is a social community for black women to discover and share hairstyle inspiration, information and tips. Founders Priscilla Hazel, Esther Olatunde, and Cassandra Sarfo participated in Y Combinator’s Winter 2017 batch.
PASILOBUS (https://www.pasilobus.com/)
Pasilobus builds apps and e-commerce solutions for clients on Shopify. The company is headquartered in St Louis and has employees around the world.
ZUMROD (https://www.zumrod.com/)
Zumrod is an e-commerce platform that supplies health and beauty products to women in the Arab World. Co-founder Said Hassan also leads Gaza Sky Geeks, the first startup accelerator in the Gaza Strip.
Vincent Battaglia, the Belgian founder of LUDUS, established his business in Delaware by Stripe Atlas because his business is 100% SaaS with potential customer everywhere on the globe and desire his business to become a global company. The company provides presentation tools for designers on SaaS basis.
* How the business law in Delaware is the most business-friendly
What you do for US Taxation
(Continued in 2nd edition) Click here

[Attention] Stripe (online payment system) may require your SSN or ITIN during the process of opening the Stripe account or even after the Stripe account is delivered.

The following tax information is for your reference, and is not legally binding.
Source: Stripe, IRS, and State of Delaware

[미국법인] (1) ‘Stripe Atlas’으로 미국 현지방문없이 미국법인설립/통장개설하여 미국진출하기 - 글로벌 스타트업 - 다음주계속

‘Stripe Atlas’으로 미국 현지방문없이 미국법인설립/통장개설하여 미국진출하기 - 글로벌 스타트업 (1) 다음주계속

Stripe Atlas (https://stripe.com/atlas)
미국에서 기업을 시작하는 것은 장황한 서류작업, 은행방문, 법적 복잡성, 과대한 수수료, 어떤 서비스를사용할지에 관한 불명확한 의사결정등과 같이 불필요하게 복잡해질 수 있습니다. Stripe Atlas는 이런 것들을 빠르고 쉽게 처리하게 해줄 것입니다. Stripe Atlas는 현지방문없이 수일내에 인터넷 비즈니스 설립과 신규 비즈니스은행계좌개설, 진행상황확인을 포함한 모든 것을 한 곳에서 다룰 수 있도록 해줄 것입니다. Stripe Atlas는 고객을 대신하여 법인서류작업를 하고 신고를 하여 가장 기업 친화적인 주(State)인 Delaware주에서 법인설립을 하고 Silicon Valley 은행계좌를 개설해줍니다.

Stripe Atlas는 인터넷/테크 비즈니스 설립자들을 위해서 디자인되었습니다. 세계 130개국이상 나라 수천만의 기업가들은 이미 Stripe Atlas를 사용하고 있습니다. Stripe Atlas는 다음과 같은 비즈니스에 특히 적합합니다.
     * U.S. startups
     * Startups outside of the U.S. building global companies
     * Startups outside of the U.S. raising money from professional investors
     * International companies expanding their operations to the U.S. 
C Corporation와 LLCs 비교


C Corporation

LLC (Limited Liability Company)


Stock company (주식회사)

Pass-through entity (통과실체)


주주 (개인 또는 법인)

구성원 (개인 또는 법인)

거주지 조건

미요구. 거주자 또는 비거주자에게 모두 허용

미요구. 거주자 또는 비거주자에게 모두 허용


회사의 행위와 채무에 대해서 소유자와임원은 유한책임을 갖는 분리된 실체

회사의 행위와 채무에 대해서 소유자와 임원은 유한책임을 갖는 분리된 실체


C Corporation의 대부분 행위는 회사의 공식적 결의 또는 주주의결과 같은 절차들을 요구

LLC 운영합의서는 소유자 그리고/또는 관리자가 복잡한 절차없이 실행할 수 있는 권한을 부여


이중과세: 회사의 소득은 법인소득세를납부해야하며 배당 또는 이익을 배분받은 주주도 소득세를 납부

단일과세: LLC의 각 구성원은 LLC로부터 통과받은 이익 또는 손실에 대해서 소득세신고/납부 (예를들어 개인소득세)

특정 투자자들은 LLC가 이익과 손실의 통과실체라는 사업본질때문에 LLC 투자를 꺼리거나 법적으로 금지할지도 모릅니다.
 LLC에서 C Corporation으로 전환 또는 C Corporation에서 LLC로 전환할 수 있습니다.

Delaware 주(State)만 가능 (미국주소 또는 외국주소 가능)


One time 수수료

Ongoing 수수료

다음사항을 포함한 모든 절차: $500
* C Corporation 또는 LLC 법인설립
* 서명된 정관, 부속정관, 이사회동의서, 운영합의서
* 설립자에게 주식 발행 도구 제공
* 첫해 등록대리인(registered agent) 수수료
* 미국국세청 세무 ID (Employer Identification Number, EIN)
* Silicon Valley Bank 은행계좌 및 체크(Debit)카드 개설
* Stripe 계좌 개설과 전세계의 설립자들, 기업가들, 200개의 투자자들, 엑셀레이터, 기타 회사들과 Atlas 포럼에서 네트워킹 구축
* 무료 사후 법인설립양식

* Amazon Web Services (AWS) 프로모션 크레딧 $5,000까지 이용

* 등록대리인(registered agent) 갱신: 년 $100 (자동갱신)
* 비즈니스은행계좌유지비: 월 $25 (최소평균잔액이 월 $25,000이면 해당 수수료 면제)

 Stripe Atlas는 할인된 단일비율 패키지 수수료로 간단히 LLC에서 C Corporation으로 전환시켜줄 수 있습니다.
법인설립을 위해 요구되는 서류는 설립되는 회사의 형태에 따라 다를 수 있습니다.
(1) 초대
Stripe Atlas은 초대에 의해서만 가입이 가능합니다.


기존 Stripe Atlas 설립자

Stripe Atlas에 직접 신청


기존 Stripe Atlas 설립자는 다른 기업가들이즉시 Stripe Atlas에 가입할 수 있도록 할 수있습니다.

신청자는 Stripe Atlas에 직접 초대요청을 신청할 수 있습니다. (2주내 회신)

(2) 신청
일단 Stripe Atlas에 초대가 되면 고객의 제품, 팀, 설립방법등에 대한 다음과 같은 정보를 요구할 것입니다.




신규 회사 이름

사업장 주소:
1) 반드시 미국일 필요 없음
2) 사업장주소이거나 개인거주지도 가능



신규회사가 자회사라면 모회사의 이름, 사업형태, 세무ID번호, 정부발행 회사등록 서류

비즈니스와 제품 또는용역

제품 또는 용역, 가격, 연락처, 서비스조건등을 보여주는 웹사이트

웹사이트 만들고 있는 중이라면 캡쳐, 레이아웃, 세부설명

설립자, 투자자, 기타연혁

(본인, 회사의 25%이상 지분 소유자, 회사에서 핵심역활을 하는 사람)







정부발행 ID 서류

(3) 법인설립
고객이 신청서를 제출하고 Stripe account를 생성 후 다음과 같이 회사 설립을 위한 서류 작업을 진행합니다.





부속 정관

조직결의 이사회 승인

Silicon Valley 은행계좌개설을 위한 은행예금계약과 온라인뱅킹가입

세무보고용 ID EIN 신청을 위한 IRS from SS-4 작성합니다.


Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)에서 신규 회사의 비즈니스은행계좌(USD)를 개설합니다.

은행개설 후 로그인용 임시비밀번호가 온라인으로 고객에게 발송되고 고객은 로그인 유저 ID를 Stripe 대쉬보드의 뱅킹가입서에서 확인 가능합니다.

Stripe Atlas 유저는 SVB 계좌와 연결된 체크(Debit) 카드를 받을 수 있습니다. 은행개설신청서 작성 시 체크(Debit)카드 opt-in을 체크했다면 고객은 EIN을 받은 이후에 체크(Debit)카드 신청 지침서를 SVB를 부터 받을 것입니다.


Delaware에서 회사등록은 보통 2일(평일)정도 소요됩니다. 회사 설립이 되면 이메일을 통해서 정관을 받을 수 있으며 원본은 전자서류이며 종이서류는 발송되지 않습니다.

Stripe Atlas 회사설립 이후 고객에게 설립자 주식발행에 관련한 정보를 이메일로 발송합니다신규 회사는 회사 설립 30일이내 무료로 주식발행 도구 서비스를 이용할  있습니다.


법인설립이 완료되면 신규 회사는 U.S. Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)를받기 위해서 IRS에 등록 가능합니다. Stripe Atlas는 신규 회사의 EIN를 신청하기 위해 자동적으로 form SS-4를 IRS에 발송합니다. EIN 수령은 이메일으로 2주정도 우편으로 6-8주정도 소요됩니다.

샌프란시스코에서 쓰리랑카까지 124개국 수천개의 기업가들이 미국시장진출을 위해서 Stripe Atlas를 사용하고 있습니다.




Madhuban Kumar CEO의 회사 Metafused의 미션은 의미있는 데이타를 만드는 것입니다. 이 회사의 제품은 인공지능을 이용하여사용자의 고객이 다음에는 어떤 행동을 할지 파악할 수 있도록 해줍니다.

During, Inc. 

GitHub의 초기 엔지니어들중 한명인 Zach Holman은 During를 설립하였습니다. During은 고객에게 실행이 필요한 모든것을 기획하고 협업할 수 있도록 도와주는 달력입니다.


뉴욕의 Cat Noone에 의해서 설립된 Iris는 모바일용 최첨단긴급알림 서비스입니다. Iris는 고객이 가장 필요할 때 병원발견, 디지털건강카드, 긴박한 상황의 가족과 친구에 대한 긴급알림등을 제공합니다.


가나에서 시작한 Tress는 헤어스타일에 대한 영감, 정보와 팁등을찾고 공유하기 위한 흑인여성 소셜커뮤니티입니다. 설립자 Priscilla Hazel, Esther Olatunde, and Cassandra Sarfo는 Y Combinator’s Winter 2017 batch에 참가하였습니다.


Pasilobus는 Shopify의 고객을 위해서 앱과 이커머스 솔루션을 개발하였습니다. 이 회사는 St Louis에 본사가 있으며 세계 전역에 직원을 보유하고 있습니다.


Zumrod는 건강과 뷰티 제품을 아랍권 여성들에게 제공하는 이커머스 플랫폼입니다. 공동설립자 Said Hassan는 Gaza Stripe의 첫번째 스타트업 엑셀레이터인 Gaza Sky Geeks도 이끌고 있습니다.



LUDUS의 벨기엘 설립자 Vincent Battaglia는 Stripe Atlas를 통해서 Delaware에 회사를 설립했습니다. 왜냐하면 Vincent Battaglia의 사업은 세계 어디서든 잠재 고객을 가질 수 있는 100% SaaS 기반의 사업이고 그의 회사가 글로벌 회사가 되기를 희망했기 때문입니다. LUDUS는 SaaS 기반으로 디자인너들에게 프레젠테이션 도구(presentation tools)를 제공하고 있습니다.

* Delaware 주의 상법은 어떻게 가장 기업 친화적인가

* 미국세무이행을 위해서 무엇을 해야하는가

(2편 계속) 여기클릭

[주의] 스트라이프 (Stripe, 온라인결제시스템)는 스트라이프 계정을 개설하는 과정에서 또는 스트라이프 계정이 개설 완료된 이후라도 SSN 또는 ITIN의 제출을 요구할 수 있습니다.

이 자료는 참고자료이며 법적으로 효력이 없습니다.
출처: Stripe, IRS, State of Delaware

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